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Using Prisma with Supabase

Posted on:June 5, 2021

So a couple of my favourite tools are Prisma and Supabase. I have talked about Supabase in previous posts but not so much about Prisma. Prisma is a Node.js and Typescript ORM. It makes CRUD actions on your db super easy with a familiar syntax.

In previous posts I have used the Supabase client library but in some cases you might want to just use it as a postgresql db and do your own manual queries using Prisma.

Below I walk through a simple app that retrieves countries from the db.

Step 1: Setup Supabase

The first step is to create a supabase project.

From there you will need to head on over to the sql tab and scroll down to quick start. There you will select the countries quick start and hit the run button.

Next go to database tab and under settings go to connection pooling. Here you will want to copy the connection string.

Step 2: Create Nextjs Project

Run the following command in the terminal to create a new project.

npx create-next-app prisma-supabase

The only real clean up will will do for now is to open up pages/index.js and remove everything so it looks like this:

export default function Home() {
  return <div>Content here</div>;

Step 3: Install/Setup Prisma

Then run the following commands in your terminal to start setting up Prisma.

npm install prisma --save-dev
npx prisma init

Next change DATABASE_URL in the .env file to the connection string you copied earlier.

Now that we have prisma setup you will see a prisma/schema.prisma created for you. You could manually create models in here but there is an easier way. We can pull in our database schema created in Supabase automatically using the following command:

npx prisma introspect

Then we can install the Prisma client. This is neat because it actually creates Typescript types for your models that you can use. A big feature of Prisma is the type safety. You can get nice autocomplete for your table columns.

npm install @prisma/client
npx prisma generate

Step 4: Use Prisma Client

Next create a file utils/initPrisma.js with the following contents:

import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
const prisma = new PrismaClient();
export default prisma;

Now we can use the created PrismaClient by exporting a function called getServerSideProps above the existing default export:

import prisma from "../utils/initPrisma";

export async function getServerSideProps() {
  const countries = await prisma.countries.findMany();

  const allCountries = => ({,

  return {
    props: {

If you are used to nextjs this should look fairly familiar returning props like this. The weird looking part is we have to change the to a string in order to be able to serialize it properly.

Step 5: Display Data In React

Next we can then update the default export to show this data:

export default function Home({ allCountries }) {
  return (
        { => (

As you can see the props we returned from getServerSideProps comes in here and we can display it however we want. In this case it’s just a simple unordered list.

Step 6: Run Server

Then start up your server with npm run dev and go to http://localhost:3000/ to see your masterpiece.


I haven’t quite figured out when I would reach for Prisma. As I am thinking about it I think I would use Prisma on server rendered routes (getServerSideProps in this case) and the Supabase client library for client side data fetching. I am not 100% set on that yet and my opinions are evolving.

I know at this point in time my rapid application development stack looks something like the following:

• Nextjs React Framework (Remix Run is making a run here)
• TailwindCSS
• Supabase (DB, Auth, Storage)
• Prisma (ORM)
• Sanity (CMS)
• Netlify (Hosting, Serverless functions)