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Using Zod To Validate Api Responses

Posted on:January 9, 2023

Zod is the latest tech I have been trying out. It comes highly recommended from people I admire in the TypeScript community.

Zod is a typescript-first schema validator. It is a validator similar to Yup but has a better developer experience and integrates more seamlessly with TypeScript.

The most obvious use case for validation is for user input, but I want to look at another use case of validating your api responses. When to do this I’m still going back and forth on. The general consensus is if you don’t own the api it its super important but if you own the api it is a little less necessary. Validating your api responses can produce better error messages instead of a dreaded undefined error.

Example Using Deno

Install Deno

curl -fsSL | sh

This is not a Deno article but it is an alternative to Node.js that you can read more about.

Setting Up Zod

In a folder create a file called person.ts with the below code.

// person.ts

import { z } from "";

const PersonSchema = z.object({
  name: z.string(),
  height: z.coerce.number(),
  films: z.array(z.string().url()),
  eye_color: z.enum(["green", "blue"]),

const FilmSchema = z.object({
  title: z.string(),

type Film = z.infer<typeof FilmSchema>;

Zod has a really simple interface with which you can define types such as z.number(), z.object(), z.array(), etc… You will notice it is similar in ways to TypeScript and it actually allows you to extra a type using z.infer. It actually provides a bit more functionality then TypeScript where you can define z.string().min(5) which would enforce a minimum of 5 characters. It also supports url(), email, uuid which are super handy.

Read more in the docs if you desire.

Using Zod

At the end of person.ts add the following api call and validate the response against the PersonSchema.

// person.ts

const res = await fetch('');
const person = PersonSchema.parse(await res.json());


There are basically two ways of validating. They are parse and safeParse. The first throws an error if its invalid and the second doesn’t error but provides a success: false boolean.

Reusable Validated Fetch

I tried my hand at creating some utilities for getting a typed and validated response back from the normal fetch and this is what I came up with. It may look a bit funky with all the TypeScript generic syntax but it preserves some good types.

I recommend working through this Total Typescript workshop if you are unfamiliar with TypeScript generics.

// utils/fetch.ts

import { z } from "";

export const fetchTyped = async <T extends z.Schema>(url: string, schema: T, params?: RequestInit): Promise<z.infer<T>> => {
    const res = await fetch(url, {
        headers: {
            'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',

    return schema.parse(await res.json())

export const fetchTypedPost = <T extends z.Schema>(url: string, schema: T, body: Record<string, unknown>, params?: RequestInit) => {
    return fetchTyped(url, schema, {
        method: 'POST',
        body: JSON.stringify(body),

Using New Utility Functions

// person.ts

const person = await fetchTyped('', PersonSchema);
//  ^? {name: string, height: number, films: string[], eye_color: 'green' | 'blue'}

const films = await Promise.all( => fetchTyped(filmUrl, FilmSchema)));

const fullPerson = {



Here I found a good use case for Promise.all. We get a string[] back from the api and need to make a fetchTyped call for each url to get the film specific details.

Another Example With Posts

The following is just another quick example doing POST instead of a GET call.

// post.ts

import { z } from ""; import {
fetchTypedPost } from "./utils/fetch.ts";

const PostSchema = z.object({
    title: z.string(),
    body: z.string(),
    userId: z.number(),
    id: z.number()

const post = await fetchTypedPost('',
PostSchema, { title: 'foo', body: 'bar', userId: 1, });



Will you be using Zod in the future. I’d love to hear your thoughts on if this is overkill or not.

Full source code for these examples is located on GitHub.

Additonal Reading

Why we should verify HTTP response bodies, and why we should use zod for this